Electric Fence Netting

Electric Fence Netting

Electric Fence Netting

Fence Fast that are looking for a quick and easy way to keep their poultry and other animals safe from predators and other threats, electric fence netting is an excellent option. It is also a great alternative to more permanent wire field fences like woven wire or American (hog) wire. Electric netting fences have much lower installation costs and are also more flexible than wire fences that aren’t energized.

These types of fences are used to contain livestock and wildlife, protect chickens, goats, beehives, fruit trees and gardens from bears and other wild animals, and more. They are very portable and can be installed quickly over rocky or hilly terrain where regular wire fences might fail. They are also able to be adjusted to follow dips or curves in the land, and even can be attached to tree stakes to keep animals from climbing out of control.

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The good news is that while many people think electric fences are dangerous, they are actually quite safe. While touching an energized fence will indeed cause you to receive a shock, the amount of current that you experience is proportional to your weight and insulating ability. Bears, for example, are much more insulated than humans and will experience less of a shock when they touch an energized fence.

The good thing about this particular system is that it arrives 100% assembled, so all you have to do is open the box, unroll it and put it up. It comes with a 550-foot roll of netting, an energizer and connectors, plus lightweight posts that are easy to set up in a short period of time. These posts are also designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including snow and ice.